
What are you looking to calculate?


Quick Tip

"Fill in the values to the best of your knowledge"

Quick Tip

This has been calculated as 0.66% of the property value.You can use the following link to calculate the exact taxes for your location.

Quick Tip

You can use the following link to calculate the land transfer tax for your location.

Quick Tip

The percentage by which the landlord can increase the rent annually. This can be overridden to the value specific to your case.

Quick Tip

The amount that is paid to your insurance provider on an annual basis. You can override default amount to your specific case.

Quick Tip

The amount that would have otherwise been invested into a property can be invested into an investment product. You can override default amount to your specific case.

Quick Tip

The minimum required down payment is 20%. You can override the value specific to your case.

Quick Tip

This is the value for the annual Home insurance for your property. This default value can be overridden to the amount specific to your case.

Quick Tip

This has been calculated as 0.5% of the property value. You can override this value to your specific case.

Quick Tip

This is the percentage by which the value of your house will appreciate annually. You can override this value to the expected increase in your area.

Quick Tip

Lawyer estimates are $4,000 for ON & BC and $2,000 for remaining provinces.

Quick Tip

We have assumed an inflation rate of 2%, you can override it to the value specific to you.

Quick Tip

This is a percentage estimate of what it might cost you to sell your home to cash in the equity. This can be overridden to the value of your specific case


  • Home Price
  • Down Payment
  • Amortization
  • Profit Rate
  • Annual Home Insurance
  • Annual Maintenance Fees
  • Land Transfer Tax
  • Annual Property tax
  • Home Value Appreciation
  • Lawyer and Inspection Fee
  • Inflation Rate
  • Selling Closing Costs
  • Home Inspection
  • Downpayment
  • Cost of Buying
  • Total Cost
Quick Tip

"Fill in the values to the best of your knowledge"

Quick Tip

This has been calculated as 0.66% of the property value.You can use the following link to calculate the exact taxes for your location.

Quick Tip

You can use the following link to calculate the land transfer tax for your location.

Quick Tip

The percentage by which the landlord can increase the rent annually. This can be overridden to the value specific to your case.

Quick Tip

The amount that is paid to your insurance provider on an annual basis. You can override default amount to your specific case.

Quick Tip

The amount that would have otherwise been invested into a property can be invested into an investment product. You can override default amount to your specific case.

Quick Tip

The minimum required down payment is 20%. You can override the value specific to your case.

Quick Tip

This is the value for the annual Home insurance for your property. This default value can be overridden to the amount specific to your case.

Quick Tip

This has been calculated as 0.5% of the property value. You can override this value to your specific case.

Quick Tip

This is the percentage by which the value of your house will appreciate annually. You can override this value to the expected increase in your area.

Quick Tip

Lawyer estimates are $4,000 for ON & BC and $2,000 for remaining provinces.

Quick Tip

We have assumed an inflation rate of 2%, you can override it to the value specific to you.

Quick Tip

This is a percentage estimate of what it might cost you to sell your home to cash in the equity. This can be overridden to the value of your specific case.


Rent Case
  • Annual Rental Increase

  • Annual Renter's Insurance

  • Average Investment Return

Purchase Case
  • Down Payment

  • Annual Home Insurance

  • Annual Maintenance Fees

  • Land Transfer Tax

  • Annual Property tax

  • Home Value Appreciation

  • Lawyer and Inspection Fee

  • Inflation Rate

  • Selling Closing Costs


The following is the average cost based on the length you stay for the next 25 years.

Staying Length Net Buying Cost Net Renting Cost
Average Monthly Cumulative Average Monthly Cumulative
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