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If you follow the process outlined here most of your questions may be answered. If you have further questions, you may email us and/or call us at 1-888-55-EQRAZ (37729). We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Profit Rate:

Our profit rates are updated regularly on our website here: https://eqraz.com/rates/

• In the current phase we are issuing 2- or 5-year renewable terms amortized over 25 years.

Calculate your eligible amounts:

To calculate your eligibility, kindly use our mortgage calculators: https://eqraz.com/mortgage-calculators/

• Use Calculator A and B for minimum income required and maximum financing.

• Use Calculator C to see the breakdown of profit vs principal payments over the term of your mortgage and how prepayments affect your amortization.

NOTE: Use the mortgage amount and not the property’s purchased value in the “Principal” field.

Complete the Application Process:

You can apply on www.eqraz.com. However, please go through the following steps:

Step 1: Familiarize:

Familiarize yourself with important information including our product guide, Shariah certificate, Fatwa (from Mufti Zain Baig), closing process and fees here: https://eqraz.com/mortgage-information/.

Note: For Shariah-related FAQs, please visit https://eqraz.com/faq-videos/ where we have answers to commonly asked Shariah-related questions in English, Urdu and Arabic.

Step 2:

Check Qualification Criteria You may find our qualification criteria here: https://eqraz.com/documents/EQRAZ-Halal-Mortgage-Qualification-Critera-2023-08-18-Web-version.pdf

Step 3:

Apply To apply visit https://eqraz.com/apply/. Once your application is complete, you will receive an application number, confirming that your application has been filed.

Please use this number in all correspondences with us. Application number will start with “VDFCF-“

Step 4: Follow up

We have a very high waitlist. However, if your anticipated closing is soon, we will prioritize you. In order to ensure you are prioritized, please WhatsApp us your application number to +1-647-660-3291and we will immediately connect you with our mortgage broker who will process your application.

If you have any questions, you can email ask@eqraz.com or call / WhatsApp our customer service line at 1-888-55-EQRAZ (37729).

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